At 56 Degree Insight we offer expertise in a number of areas which cut across all industries and sectors:
Today’s business must understand what drives the customer experience. We have extensive experience developing customer satisfaction programmes, understanding customer journeys and identifying where to focus to optimise the customer experience.
In a tourism and leisure context understanding visitor experience requires a distinct approach. We help clients to understand and improve visitor experiences through every stage from destination choice to planning, booking, visit taking to post visit.
To develop strategies for growth, brands and organisations need to understand how consumers behave and feel – the products they are using and what’s driving choices – and how these are changing. We have a range of proven techniques to understand consumer behaviours and attitudes, market segmentation techniques and qualitative approaches to gain a deeper understanding.
Maintaining a strong brand and maximising share of voice is harder
then ever in an increasingly complex multi-channel world. Our approach is not to complicate further but to keep it simple for clients - providing clear insight. Whether it is pre-testing, brand tracking or comms evaluation we know the right questions to ask to deliver the insight you require.
Understanding the population and what makes them tick is important to every organisation. At 56 Degree Insight our natural curiosity about people has led us to develop our partnership with Kantar. This provides us with direct access to omnibus surveys and panels in Scotland , the UK and globally allowing clients to reach consumers whatever the geographic requirement.
We also have experience and expertise in a number of other related areas:
Qualitative research
From workshops, to focus groups and in-depth interviews to online approaches.
The Scottish Diaspora
We are also partnering with AudienceNet who have access to large population samples across the globe - particularly in North America - opening up all sorts of possibilities around understanding the Scottish and wider Celtic Diaspora.
Business to Business
Understanding B2B relationships.
Working with Advertising and Media Agencies
We have worked with a number of agencies who operate in the creative and communications space - and this is an area where we can provide added value in the form of insight generation and market research at affordable prices
Below are some of the Media and Marketing Services Agencies that we work with on a regular basis
Please just contact us to find out more about how we can help you.
“Jim has helped me to deliver a robust customer tracking study into our Retail business which is delivering actionable insights to help us improve our customer experience. Without doubt, Jim’s proactive approach, research experience and sector knowledge has helped to position the need for quality insights into our business. I look forward to working with both Jim and Duncan as part of 56 Degree Insight.”
Our latest points of view…
Political micro-targeting, fake news and boomer memes ……..anything to worry about?
26th November 2019: With just under 3 weeks until the UK general election, today’s blog looks at the potential issues arising from the increasing use of micro-targeting in political online advertising and some of the changes being made in the face of rising concerns.
Extending the 56 Degree Insight Offer: Making the most of Mystery Shopping
11th June 2019: We have close links with a number of associates across the UK - methodological experts in key areas. Clive Nicolaou (and his company Service Science) has built his career on world class Mystery Shopping. Find out more about this scientific art here…..
Brand & Comms - Making Sense of the Complexity
16th May 2019: Never have the opportunities to reach customers been greater - but equally, never have they been so complex. Here we explore the issues marketeers have to address to make their comms as effective as possible…
Customer Experience Measurement - going beyond the basics
15th April 2018: We provide our views on an area which crosses all industries and one where we have a lot of past experience - Customer Experience Research. What makes a good CEX programme - we believe there are three fundamentals that separate the wheat from the chaff.....