Our Ways of Working at 56 Degree Insight

Established in 2019 we are a new and relatively small company. However while we have ambitions to grow, we also recognise our responsibilities.

Coming from a ‘big company’ corporate background we are excited at the opportunity to build a new company which is trusted and respected by the people it employs, its customers and its partners. 

From day one we have sought do the right thing, building strong, trusting relationship with the people we work with and taking positive steps to protect the environment.

Our commitment to Fair Work practices

56 Degree Insight are committed to Fair Work practice. This includes seeking to ensure that anyone we employ directly or indirectly (including via sub contractors) are paid at a level which meets or exceeds the Living Wage. This includes interviewers, data processors and other part time staff who are employed by sub contractors.  We are proud to have received Living Wage Scotland accreditation.

Minimising our impact on the environment

At 56 Degree Insight we recognise and are concerned about the climate change crisis. We are committed to do our part to tackle the issue and minimise our impact of our activities on the environment. Steps taken include the following:

  • Only travelling when it is necessary, seeing alternatives like conference call when we can or when travel is needed seeking to use the mode with least impact on the environment – ideally walking , cycling or public transport.

  • Minimise waste by doing as much as our work as possible in a digital format therby avoiding unnecessary printing of documents and paperwork such as questionnaires, etc.

  • Considering environmental impact when we are choosing our suppliers and partners and even the clients we work with.

A pricing model that gives you flexibility and guarantees best value

We understand that budgets are precious and need to go a long way in today’s more for less environment. That’s why we work closely with our clients to ensure we charge on a usage basis.

As an ethical provider of research and insight, our desire is to establish highly valued long standing relationships with our clients.  That’s something we know we have to earn. A good starting point though is clarity and transparency in our costing models.

The best client relationships are where there is transparency and trust – a true partnership.  This lies at the very heart of our ethos at 56 Degree Insight

It’s basic really, for example:

  • If we think ‘it’ won’t work we will tell you (constructively)

  • If anything goes off track, we won’t keep it from you

  • If it costs less you will pay less

  • We state clearly what is ‘in scope’ and also what is ‘out of scope’

A Fully Transparent Project Relationship

When commissioned for a project, we produce a Statement of Work - an agreed specification of the nature of our role on the project: the objectives, the specific tasks, a summary of the agreed approach, outputs and reports. The document also includes a detailed timeline as well as the invoicing schedule agreed on commissioning.

This is a ‘live’ document. Projects often evolve - especially multi-staged jobs where the precise nature of subsequent stages is shaped by the initial findings from the earliest stages. The Statement of Work is updated as appropriate - thus ensuring the client and agency are in complete agreement on the specification for the commissioned project.

Privacy Policy

The privacy, confidentiality and security of data collected is sacrosanct at 56 Degree Insight. Read our privacy policy here

Terms and Conditions

The link opposite opens up our Standard Terms and Conditions. Although they represent our preferred ‘rules of engagement’, we are happy to be flexible and adapt them where necessary

Simply Business

Public & employers' liability & professional indemnity insurance provided through Simply Business.

View our insurance details

Insurance policies and Certification

We have comprehensive insurance coverage to give you peace of mind when working with 56 Degree Insight. Full policy details are available opposite

Membership of Industry Bodies

In setting up 56 Degree Insight, it was extremely important to us that we applied professional standards across all aspects of our work - not only quality procedures around ways of working, but also that we sought membership of key industry bodies and organisations where we could ensure we were at the cutting edge of the latest thinking and initiatives.

Below, we list the organisations where we have full membership - the Market Research Society, The Marketing Society and the Tourism Society. It was also important to us that anyone we work with or sub-commission paid all employees, field workers, data processors and casual staff a fair wage. We are proud to have signed up to Living Wage Scotland to provide you with that guarantee.

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